Foundations of Nutritional Supplementation
Learn the fundamentals of nutrition supplementation for the support of health and performance, as part of our course in Nutrition Coaching.
Learn safe and effective nutritional supplement practice
Essential Information
1 Intro to Supplementation HPN1 Scope of Practice
FREE PREVIEWWhy supplement?
FREE PREVIEWIntro to Supplementation and Scope of Practice Progress Quiz
Foundations of Supplementation for Performance by Cliff Harvey PhD - ACNEM Sports Symposium 2019
2 Intro to Supplementation Prescription Model
Why take a multi? [Part 1.]
The Prescription Model for Supplementation Progress Quiz
3 Intro to Supplementation HPN1 Food-Like Supplements
Why take protein powder?
Food-like Supplements Progress Quiz
4 Intro to Supplementation HPN1 Multinutrients
Why take a multi? [Part 2.]
What to look for in a multi
Multivitamins and Multiminerals Progress Quiz
5 Introduction to Supplementation HPN1 Ergogen Intro
Dr Eric Helms on supplementation for muscle and strength
Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation
Talking Supplements by the Team at 3DMJ
Performance Supplements Progress Quiz
Performance Case Study 1 Upload
Performance Case Study 2 Upload
HPN Client Intake Form (PDF)
HPN Client Intake Form (Word Version)
Case Study Exemplar
Case Study Marking Schedule