Holistic Performance Institute

Become a Qualified and Registered
Health Coach,
Sports Nutritionist,
or Clinical Nutritionist

Forget intake dates, on-campus attendance & extortionate fees.
Start anytime and study online, at your own pace, to become a qualified nutrition & health practitioner.

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Start your journey in health practice today!


University Level

Industry Accredited

Online Learning

Have you dreamed of helping people achieve their health, life, and performance goals?

Study with the Holistic Performance Institute and start your journey in health practice today!

Study online to become a qualified and registered health coach, nutrition coach, sports nutritionist, or clinical nutritionist.

Our courses are accredited for registration by the Health Coaches Association of New Zealand & Australia (HCANZA), the Sports Nutrition Association (SNA), and the Clinical Nutrition Association of New Zealand (CNA).

Our graduates are eligible for registration as:
  • Registered Health Coach (HCANZA)
  • Accredited Sports Nutritionist (SNA)
  • Registered Clinical Nutritionist (CNA)

  • Not sure what to study?
    Take our quiz to find out the best course for you!

    Accreditation and endorsements

    Become a Health Coach
    Register of Exercise Professionals Continuing Education Provider approved logo
    The Clinical Nutrition Association of New Zealand logo
    Accredited Education Provider of the Sports Nutrition Association logoEndors

    Why study with us?

    Our courses are taught and backed by proven leaders in the field. They combine science with holism and cutting-edge delivery to help you, and your clients, achieve their optimal health, performance, passion and purpose.

    • Study nutrition, health coaching, and health short courses online

    • New Zealand based | NZQA assessed for university-level equivalency

    • Carbohydrate-Appropriate nutrition that cuts through the dogma of high or low carb or fat diets

    • Learn evidence-based nutrition and health science... from a holistic worldview

    • Cutting-edge material taught by proven experts

    • Graduates can register as health coaches, sports nutritionists, or clinical nutritionists

    University-level education

    Assessed as equivalent to tertiary-level study

    For over 10 years, training people just like you!

    The people at HPI genuinely want to help people!

    It has been an honour working with the team at HPI because I share their mission of wanting to make the nutrition, fitness, wellness, and health sector a better place than we found it. A specific quality that I greatly appreciate in the HPI team, is their commitment to being evidence-informed. As the research evolves, so too does their education and guidance for practitioners.

    Dr Eric Helms

    Research Fellow (AUT)
    Strength and Physique Sport Coach and Science communicator

    I love that the information is so well researched!

    I recommend the Holistic Performance Institute to anyone who wants to study Nutrition!
    The information is well-researched, up to date, and relevant to my nutrition practice. I love that there are new research articles to read each week and I appreciate that members have access to Nutripaedia for easily accessed and relevant nutrition and health information.

    Gail Moore

    Intuitive Health Counselling

    I now feel confident in my practice!

    I have gained a sound knowledge of nutrition for optimum health and performance.
    I now feel confident that I am giving my clients effective plans based on the latest research findings.
    I recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn more about nutrition or health coaching or to further their existing nutrition studies.

    Simone Johnson

    Simone Johnson - Nutrition Coach

    A place of learning that's very hard to beat!

    As a medical professional, already working full-time, I needed a nutrition programme that would suit my desire for a programme offering both thorough academic content and also acknowledging and encompassing holistic practices. I also required flexible learning options since my study hours would be irregular. I found the content, delivery and assessments interesting and relevant. I am now qualified and registered with the Clinical Nutrition Association of NZ. I feel well-prepared and confident to counsel my clients towards achieving their best health outcomes.

    Dr Jill Meyer

    Registered Clinical Nutritionist

    World-class nutrition training

    Feel Fresh Nutrition is a proud partner of HPI. Thanks to the world-class nutrition training that Cliff and his team provide, graduates of HPI are well equipped to make a real impact in the nutrition industry. Feel Fresh Nutrition has the pleasure of placing high achieving graduates within our organisation with brilliant customer success.

    Abbie O'Rourke

    Feel Fresh Nutrition

    Latest short courses

    Low-Carb, Keto, & Health

    Discover the Why, What, How, and Who of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic nutrition for the support of health and healthy weight management. Taught by renowned ketogenic nutrition researcher, Dr Cliff Harvey.

    5.0 (1) 22

    Low-Carb, Keto, & Sports Performance

    In this course, low-carb and ketosis researcher Dr Cliff Harvey explores the evidence behind low-carb diets for sports and physical performance and who they are good for... (and not so good for!)

    0 (0) 11

    Clinical Applications of Low-Carb & Keto

    Discover the clinical uses of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets and their cautions and considerations. Taught by low-carb and keto expert, clinical nutritionist and naturopath Dr Cliff Harvey.

    5.0 (1) 33

    Diet and Sustainable Agriculture with Scott Gooding

    Sustainable diets and sustainable agriculture are inherently linked. In this short course, Scott Gooding explores sustainable agriculture and diet for personal and global health.

    0 (0) 11

    Metodología de la investigación científica para profesionales (sub titulos en español)

    Desarrolla habilidades críticas en la evaluación de la evidencia científica con este curso dictado por el Dr Eric Helms, reconocido investigador en la ciencia del ejercicio y la nutrición. Inscríbete ahora para brindar mejores servicios a tus pacient

    0 (0) 19

    Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine for COVID-19

    In this short course, Dr Cliff Harvey explores the research and application of nutrients, diet, supplements, and lifestyle factors in preventing and treating COVID-19, long-COVID (post-COVID Syndrome), and COVID vaccination adverse events.

    5.0 (1) 10

    Nutrition for Women's Health

    Women are not simply small men! This course explores what can you can do to optimise women's health through evidence-based nutrition. Learn from nutrition and women's health expert Dr Mikki Williden.

    5.0 (4) 16

    Nutrition for Women's Performance

    Female athletes are not just small men! Dr Mikki Williden outlines the research and application of nutrition for female athlete performance; including RED-s, menstrual cycle implications for diet, iron-deficiency, hydration differences, and more!

    0 (0) 3

    Most popular short courses

    Holistic Health Kickstart

    This 30 day course will give you the tools to learn, apply, and maintain the habits of health. Combine the best evidence-based nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress-reduction strategies to think clearer, perform better, and feel your very best.

    5.0 (9) 43


    Nutripaedia provides articles, audio, and media for nutrition, supplementation, vitamins, and minerals as part of the Holistic Performance Institute's Premium Membership.

    $19.99 / month
    4.7 (3) 136

    Nutrition for Women's Health

    Women are not simply small men! This course explores what can you can do to optimise women's health through evidence-based nutrition. Learn from nutrition and women's health expert Dr Mikki Williden.

    5.0 (4) 16

    Certified Empowered Eating Coach

    Are you over diets, rules and restriction and all the anxiety, guilt and fear that comes with them? Do you want to help others break free from diet culture AND achieve their health goals? Become a Certified Empowered Eating Coach today!

    5.0 (7) 69

    Nutrition & Supplementation for ADHD

    ADHD affects up to 1 in 5 people. In this mini-course, Dr Cliff Harvey provides reviews and evidence-backed nutrition and supplement treatment guides for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

    0 (0) 2

    Download our prospectus

    Find out how studying with the Holistic Performance Institute can help you achieve a career in nutrition or health coaching or upskill your existing health or performance practice.

    Yes! Grab the Free Prospectus
    Only 10 spots left!
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