Learn from experienced clinical mentors

Real world, real time learning from registered practitioners

This course is all about real-world learning for clinical nutrition practitioners. Overseen by Dr Cliff Harvey and Ashley Greaves (MSc in clinical nutrition), this program provides coaching from an experience clinical practitioner for 6 months. Note: This course is part of the HPN2 clinical nutrition training program.

Clinical nutrition mentoring & registration

Guidance and support to become a safe and effective clinical nutritionist, eligible for registration with the Clinical Nutrition Association.
Prerequisites apply - contact us for more information.

  • Monthly sessions with a clinical mentor (x6)

  • Ongoing contact with your mentor to help you in your clinical practice and business

  • Oversight and review from the board at the Holistic Performance Institute

  • Peer-review of clinical hours and client cases for registration purposes

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Mentorship Program!

    2. Essential Information

    3. Overview of Requirements

    4. Mentor Eligibility Requirements

    1. Candidate Log Book

    2. Candidate Log Book Upload

    1. Clinical Reflection Upload

    2. Clinical Reflection Marking Schedule

    1. Registration Requirements

    2. CNA Registration Checklist

    3. Case Take Example for Registration

    1. HPN2 Scope of Practice

    2. HPN Client Intake Form

    3. Case Study Marking Schedule

    4. NFPE Worksheet

About this course

  • $1,999.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 6 mentoring sessions + action points
  • 200+ logged clinical nutrition hours
  • 400 notional hours

Pricing options

Easy monthly subscription