Master the art of online health coaching

This course is a must-have for any coach who is looking to work for digital health companies worldwide or looking to enhance their coaching practice through the power of technology.

  • Master online coaching with this comprehensive course, covering ethical best practices, effective digital communication, data-driven strategies, personalized goal setting, and a client-centred approach to empower individuals on their health journey

  • Taught by renowned health and nutrition coach Michelle Yandle

  • Great for those who wish to hone their coaching skills in the digital space!

Michelle Yandle

Course creator & instructor

Associate Lecturer [Health Coaching] Michelle Yandle

Michelle Yandle BEd, HPN1, is a renowned health coach and health educator. A Registered Health Coach, and Certified Holistic and Performance Nutrition Coach, Michelle is the founder of the Centre for Empowered Eating and the developer of the Empowered Eating Coach Certification and co-developer of the Health Coaching qualifications delivered at the Holistic Performance Institute. She has written books, inspired audiences around the world, regularly presented on television and radio, working with household name nutrition brands, and her health advice has been featured in the pages of a number of high-profile publications. Initially trained as a schoolteacher, Michelle discovered the benefits of healthy eating based on traditional nutritional principles and has built a new career through passionately and authentically sharing what she has learnt about ‘empowered eating.’

Course curriculum

(Sign up for a FREE preview!)

    1. Welcome - Start Here

    2. Digital Health Coaching Handout

    1. Module 1 - Introduction to Digital Health Coaching

    1. Module 2 - Effective Communication Techniques

    1. Module 3 - Motivation and Behaviour Change

    2. Module 4 - 4 Key Processes of Motivational Interviewing in Action

    1. Module 5 - Ethical Considerations for Digital Health Coaching

    1. Module 6 - Wellbeing for Digital Coaches

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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